Turning Bottles into Nylon Yarns: An Environmental Win

As an eco-friendly bag brand, Knomo are always looking for sustainable and innovative materials to craft our products. One of our initiatives acutally being used for years, is the using recycled nylon yarns made from plastic bottles.

Here's how the process works and why it's better for the environment:

Plastic bottles are collected and sorted from recycling centers and waste collection points. Bottles made of polyethylene terephthalate or PET, which is commonly used for bottling sodas and water. The bottles are then chopped, cleaned, and melted into tiny pellets.

These pellets are then processed into fine nylon yarns that we use in our bags and accessories. It takes roughly 8-10 plastic bottles to make one of our medium-sized totes. By transforming used plastic bottles into nylon yarns, we are helping to reduce pollution and minimize the use of crude oil for making new nylons.

The recycling of plastic bottles into nylon yarns also helps to conserve natural resources and reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills. According to estimates, more than 50 million plastic bottles end up in landfills every day. By putting some of these plastic bottles back into use, we are doing our part to tackle waste and support the circular economy.

Knomo customers can feel good knowing that with every purchase from us, they are helping to clean up the environment and promote sustainable practices. Together, we are all making a difference one bag at a time.

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